dad from day one: The Magical Mystery Tour… For Babies

Week 3.

In the aftermath of four baby showers, it’s easy for me to see that Jack has been well cared for by friends and family.  One of my favorite items of his is his pair of “vitamin socks” (featured above).  Maybe they’re supposed to look like little capsules from Dr. Mario; I don’t know.  But the fact that they have the word “vitamins” on the bottom of them makes them so classically random that I wouldn’t be surprised if they were designed in Taiwan.  My favorite part of his vitamin socks is that we have no idea where they came from.  We pull just pulled them out of his drawer one day and had them on Jack’s feet before we realized how hilarious and mysterious they are.

My parents recently bought Jack a swing, which is best for helping in to take long afternoon naps.  It has these three bears that fly around in circles over him.  Sometimes I feel that the things that work best for making him happy are the ones that make him feel like he’s tripping through the outer space of an alternate baby universe.  It doesn’t help that as he is swinging back & forth and up & down that “Sun King” from The Beatles’ Abbey Road album is playing in the background as I speak to him in a low voice right into his ear, “Jaaaack… I am your fah-ther…”  And when he’s not in his swing, it’s still so natural just to pick him up and fly him through the air like he’s Superbaby.

With some of his toys, I have been surprised at how they actually do what they are supposed to do.  We regularly use a Sleep Sheep that along with music and rain sounds, also has a “whale button”.  The harmonious conversations of actual whales at sea do indeed soothe Jack, even if they sort of freak me out.  There’s also this star we received that displays ocean scenes on the ceiling while playing our choice of either lullabye music or makes water sounds.  I never would have thought it to be the kind of toy we would actually use every single day, but it is: It works.  When it’s time for him to settle down for the night, we turn on the star and Jack becomes both mesmerized and hypnotized.

Being a baby must really be a trip…  I mean, what would you think if everyone talked to you in a high-pitched, slow motion voice and when you looked down at your feet, you realized they had turned into puppy dog heads?


4 thoughts on “dad from day one: The Magical Mystery Tour… For Babies

  1. Just thought I would help solve the Vitamins sock mystery. “Vitamins Baby” is a clothing brand and all their socks say vitamins. Sarah has 3 or 4 pair that came with outfits – little matching sets. I checked the tag and they’re made in China. Besides looking cool, they’re the only socks that stay on Sarah’s skinny feet. Peebles sells Vitamins Baby if you want to get more hilarious socks!


  2. Jack is ADORABLE. Congratulations to you and your wife!

    Your observations, as always and on any given subject, are funny and thought-provoking. Like who figured out that babies would enjoy listening to whale sounds? I’ve never met an adult who is comforted by hearing them. I figure some company has a stash of the recordings as a result of poor sales to adults and decided, “Hey, let’s market ’em to babies! They’ll listen to anything!” Kinda like the Mikey and Life cereal marketing.

    I read your post about the sock monkey pet/baby bed but didn’t have a chance to comment. Now I’m laughing at the thought of him all cozy in that with the whale sounds in the background, and, of course, the puppy dog heads for feet. He’s a lucky little guy to have cool parents and cool baby stuff. Enjoy!

    P.S. The Lego creche is HILARIOUS!


    • Hey thanks, that’s so nice of you to say. I find it so easy to right about Baby Jack. Every snapshot of him truly does tell a funny story 🙂


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